Firefox is a fast, full-featured Web browser. It offers great security, privacy, and protection against viruses, spyware, malware, and it can also easily block pop-up windows. The key features that have made Firefox so popular are the simple and effective UI, browser speed and strong security capabilities.

Get the Firefox browser built just for developers. Check out the home for web developer resources. Firefox Reality. Explore the web with the Firefox browser for virtual reality. Donate your voice so the future of the web can hear everyone. Learn more about the new, low-level, assembly-like language. The latest Firefox engine: Firefox Quantum. Firefox Quantum was a revolution in Firefox development. In 2017, we created a new, lightning fast browser that constantly improves. Firefox Quantum is the Firefox Browser. Firefox Quantum (57.0 b1 64-bit) Firefox 52 (52.0 64-bit) — In addition to speed testing, Firefox’s “just right” multi-process architecture results in Firefox Quantum consuming roughly 30% less RAM than Chrome. To compare memory usage, the atsy project was used to load 30 pages, each in its own tab, with 10 seconds in between loads and 60 seconds of settle time at the end.
تحميل فيرفكس كوانتوم أخر إصدار للكمبيوتر Download Firefox Quantum:- تحميل فايرفوكس نسخة 32 بت تحميل فايرفوكس نسخة 64 بت. Firefox Quantum is also available in play store. The user can easily download and install Firefox Quantum app for Android. Firefox Quantum APK Is Firefox Quantum Free Download for Linux? The company claims that Next Generation Browser Firefox Quantum is the biggest update to be given in 13 years. This browser has been released for Windows.
Quantum is Mozilla's project to build the next-generation web engine for Firefox users, building on the Gecko engine as a solid foundation. Quantum will leverage the fearless concurrency of Rust and high-performance components of Servo to bring more parallelization and GPU offloading to Firefox.
Firefox (Quantum) users will be impressed by the modern new design that puts their needs first. With the new (fast and fluid Photon) design, Firefox leaps ahead with a new interface that reflects today’s reality of High DPI displays and users who are more task focused than they’ve ever been. Photon doesn’t just look good, it’s also smarter. If you’re using Photon on a Windows PC with a touch display, the menus change size based on whether you click with a mouse or touch with a finger.

The new, minimalist design introduces square tabs, smooth animations, and a Library, which provides quick access to your saved stuff: bookmarks, Pocket, history, downloads, tabs, and screenshots. Firefox Quantum feels right at home with today’s mouse and touch-driven operating systems: Windows 10, macOS High Sierra, Android Oreo, and iOS 11.
Firefox has historically run mostly on just one CPU core, but Quantum takes advantage of multiple CPU cores in today’s desktop and mobile devices much more effectively. This improved utilization of your computer’s hardware makes Firefox Quantum dramatically faster.
Firefox Quantum enhances Firefox’s integration with Pocket, the read-it-later app that Mozilla acquired last year. When you open a new tab, you’ll see currently trending web pages recommended by Pocket users so you won’t miss out on what’s hot online, as well as your top sites.
A focus on privacy brings an option to turn on tracking protection, which blocks known tracking scripts, at all times, not just in private browsing mode. Protection against HTML5 canvas fingerprinting - another way that users can be tracked around the internet - will be released in v58, This is a feature borrowed from Tor Browser.
Firefox includes pop-up blocking, tab-browsing, integrated Google search, simplified privacy controls, a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online.
Download: Firefox 57.0 for Windows | Firefox 64-bit | ~30.0 MB (Freeware)
Download: Firefox 57.0 for Linux | 64-bit | ~55.0 MB
Download: Firefox 57.0 for MacOS | 52.4 MB
View: Firefox Home Page | Release Notes
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While Microsoft’s Internet Explorer still comes pre-installed on most Windows-based PCs, clearly Microsoft would prefer you to use their Edge browser, which is set as the default when you purchase.
Microsoft discontinued its Internet Explorer brand several years ago, in favor of its updated Edge browser for Windows 10. However, slow adoption for Edge created room for Internet Explorer to live on, mainly for business compatibility reasons.
Here we’ll compare our Firefox Browser with Internet Explorer in terms of security, utility, and portability. We’ll help you understand the differences between how a modern browser like Firefox that adheres to web standards compares with the browser you may be using for business purposes or out of old habits that die hard.
Security and Privacy |
Private Browsing mode |
Blocks third-party tracking cookies by default |
Blocks cryptomining scripts |
Blocks social trackers |
If you haven’t moved on from using Internet Explorer, the security risk factor alone should be enough to convince you. Microsoft’s own security chief has warned millions of people who continue to use Internet Explorer as their main web browser that they are placing themselves in “peril.”
Microsoft is no longer supporting new development for Internet Explorer, which means security concerns are rampant. Microsoft openly acknowledges the fact that vulnerabilities exist within basically every version of Internet Explorer.
So what’s the solution if your company is running legacy apps that only work on Internet Explorer? Our best advice is, don’t mix business with pleasure. We actually recommend use of the Legacy Browser Support extension for Windows. This extension lets users automatically open a predefined set of URLs in Internet Explorer and switch back to Firefox when navigating to a different domain.
Utility |
Autoplay blocking |
Tab browsing |
Bookmark manager |
Automatically fills out forms |
Search engine options |
Text to speech |
Reader mode |
Spell checking |
Web extensions/Add-ons |
In-browser screenshot tool |
Alarmingly, 4 to 5% of all desktop web traffic came through Internet Explorer as recently as 2019. That might not seem like a lot, but in reality it means millions of people are being served a poor internet experience with slow loading and rendering times, pages that won’t display properly — all on top of the security issues already discussed.
Really the only reasons to use Internet Explorer are for developers to test what their sites look like on an older browser or if a company has business-critical apps that only work with the Internet Explorer browser.
Download Mozilla Firefox Quantum 8
On the other end of the spectrum, Firefox is one of the most frequently updated browsers, and comes loaded with lots of useful and interesting features, like Pocket that suggests interesting content every time you open a new tab. Our unified search and web address bar, or Quantum Bar as we call it, also gives you suggestions based on your existing bookmarks and tags, history, open tabs and popular searches. And with a free Firefox account you also get access to all your settings and our other Firefox products on any device simply by signing in. Plus the peace of mind of knowing your browser is proactively working to protect your personal data.
Download Firefox Browser
Portability |
OS availability |
Mobile OS availability |
Syncs with mobile |
Password management |
Primary password |
As Microsoft has made the move to sunset the Internet Explorer browser, it no longer supports any version for iOS, and has never been available for Android. Which means unless you’re running a Windows-based laptop or desktop, you won’t have access to your bookmarks, browsing history, saved passwords, and other information that modern browsers sync across devices.
Firefox works on any platform, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Which also means you can sync all your information across platforms. So if you’re browsing on a Windows-based laptop, you can pick up where you left off when you move to browsing on your iPhone or Android device. This convenience should come standard with any modern web browser, and is sorely lacking with Internet Explorer.
Download Mozilla Firefox Quantum 2019
Overall Assessment
There was a time not so long ago where Internet Explorer was the most popular and widely used browser in the world. Times have changed and so has technology, but unfortunately Internet Explorer has pretty much stayed the same. Microsoft itself openly implores users to stop using Internet Explorer and instead switch to their newer Chromium-based Edge browser.
Download Mozilla Firefox Quantum Free
Our opinion is just to go with a trusted, private browser with a track record of delivering a great experience across devices. In a head-to-head comparison, it’s really no contest at all. Firefox is hands down the winner across all assessment categories. If you do find yourself at Nana’s house firing up Internet Explorer, maybe you want to do Nana a favor and download Firefox for her.
What Is Firefox Quantum Windows
The comparisons made here were done so with default settings and across browser release versions as follows:
Firefox (81) | Internet Explorer (11)
This page is updated semi-quarterly to reflect latest versioning and may not always reflect latest updates.