Slack Project Management

Slack isn’t just a chat tool, it offers key features for project management too. If managing projects is part of your job, here are the Slack project management tips you need to know.

Slack helps you manage your projects by bringing teams, files, and tools all into the same hub. No matter how many deliverables you’re tracking, you can see their progress easily in Slack. Try Slack for free. PomoDone App PomoDone is a Slack integrated app for teams to share team activity by streaming time tracking, managing DND and adjusting Slack status. ZenHub Turn GitHub into a robust project management platform. Slack is an online communication tool with multiple channel options and expansive enterprise reach capabilities. Utilize software features that organize and streamline tasks and watch your management toolbox grows. Let’s look at some Slack project management features worthy of recognition for the support they provide to teams.


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Can you use Slack for project management?

Yes! It turns out, the famous professional messaging tool has a convenient combination of features to help you stay on top of your certain projects.

But I don’t want to over-promise anything. If your job title is “project manager,” you need to just go ahead and invest in a true project management app. Slack has some helpful features, but at the end of the day, it’s built for messaging. You’ll thank yourself for investing in a true project management tool.

However, if project management is just your side responsibility, try out these Slack project management tips. Slack offers several key features you’ll find helpful. You can keep your team and projects organized, without having to onboard everyone to a new tool.

Here are 7 ways to learn more about Slack project management.


1. Create project-specific Slack channels

Slack allows you to create private channels designated for different topics — or in this case, projects. You can create a new channel for every project you have going on so that the right team members stay up to date.

For example, at AppSumo we have Slack channels dedicated to various ongoing projects: the blog, general copywriting, and business development — among many others.

These channels only include people who are regularly contributing to these projects, so the conversation stays on-task and everyone stays up to date. When a new person needs to collaborate on a project, we simply add them to the appropriate channel.

Slack Project Management Software Training Video

2. Host Voice and Video Conferencing

Messages not quite getting the point across? Jump on quick conference calls with team members to hash out ideas. Slack is a powerful messaging app. But not all conversations are best for direct messaging. Sometimes you need a face-to-face conversation. Slack makes this easy with in-app video conferencing and calls.

Not only can you speak with team members, but you can also share screens, take notes, and even draw on shared screens to emphasize something on the page.

3. Collaborate Over DMs

This one’s a no-brainer. When you need to quickly delegate a task to one of your teammates or get a quick answer, just send them a direct message (DM).

Direct messaging is easier to follow than email, and you can ping back and forth in real-time.

Just don’t forget to keep it fun by throwing in a few emojis.

4. Share Files

The basics of project management software include the ability to share files and documents with your team. Essentially, sending attachments. Slack project management makes this easy.

You can upload files to Slack just like you would in an email.

But instead of files getting lost in the long conversation thread, you can find any document you’ve shared by clicking the File Browser tab.

And just like that: No more lost docs.

5. Set Automated Reminders

Slack lets you set reminders about certain messages. If you’re worried you’ll forget about a certain message, just ask Slack to send you a push notification about it later.

You can schedule the reminder for anywhere between 20 minutes and next week — or even create a custom reminder. There are probably dozens of project management applications for this. But two stick out more than the others:

  • Remind yourself about an upcoming task: If you don’t have time to complete an important task right as it comes in, you can set a reminder for yourself so the request doesn’t get lost or forgotten.
  • Remind yourself about recurring tasks: Have a recurring deliverable or meeting? The automated reminder can help you keep it top of mind.

6. Integrate with Other Project Management Tools

While Slack doesn’t offer tools like kanban boards and task lists, it does integrate with many tools that offer those very same project management features — and many more. Integrate it with Google Drive, Jira, Dropbox, and your favorite task management or collaboration tools. You can browse available integrations in the app directory.

Slack Project Management

At AppSumo, we use MeisterTask to manage our content calendar. We integrate MeisterTask with Slack to send a message to the Slack channel when a post is ready to upload and publish.

Oh, and if you’re in the market for a project management tool, here are a handful of articles you may enjoy:

7. Quickly Source Team-Wide Ideas and Feedback

Want to get instant feedback from your whole team? Use tags like @Channel or @Team to send push notifications to everyone in that channel.

You can request everyone to contribute ideas or feedback to something you’re working on, or simply nudge your marketing team to go interact with your latest blog post.

The big benefit here has to do with threads. After you tag the whole channel, your message won’t get lost in all the responses from your team because their responses can be organized as comments beneath your original message. Even if someone is the 30th person to respond to your request, they don’t have to endlessly scroll through Slack just to find the original post.

Slack Project Management Software

Final Thoughts on Slack For Project Management

As I mentioned before, if your role is project manager, Slack probably doesn’t offer every feature you’ll need to keep yourself and your team on task. But if project management is a small component to your job, and you’re trying to stay ahead of tasks without getting new software, try out Slack project management.

Slack is a versatile messaging tool that can solve many of your project management challenges.

But if you do decide to shop around for a project management tool, visit the AppSumo store. We regularly have new tools to help you stay productive.

All-in-one suite of Slack apps to boost your team productivity

Manage projects per #channel
Track and assign tasks
Organize standup meetings
Review team workload
Create polls and surveys
Schedule messages
Get reminded
All inside Slack.

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  • “We used Kyber to coordinate a major product launch.
    I’m 100% sure we wouldn’t have met our tight deadline without its help.”

    Alison C.

  • “Our sales department relies on Kyber to assign and follow up on client requests.
    Then we use Kyber to announce to the company any big deal we close.”

    Frank P.

  • “Kyber is great because it has so many functions, and they just work.
    It helps to not overburden Slack with too many separate apps.”

    Tracey P.

  • “Kyber has dramatically increased our team productivity by keeping us all on the same page.
    I am also impressed about the updates and active listening of user feedback to keep improving.”

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  • “We are going with you guys over Asana after checking both out.
    We love we can do all of this without leaving Slack!”

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  • “I used to hate task managers. I love Kyber: it’s brilliant
    I feel like less of a taskmaster and more of a teammate with Kyber””

    Ben S.

All-in-one suite of Slack apps

Get a complete suite of powerful apps to help your team work better and faster in Slack: Task and project management, automated standup meetings, instant polls, team surveys, message scheduling, meeting planning, personal to-do list and with templates you can customize and configure your own micro-apps.
Kyber is ideal to coordinate work between your marketing, product management, sales and engineering teams or to run more efficiently individual teams.

All inside Slack, all via Kyber.

Stop switching between Slack and unnecessarily complex, external apps: get more work done in Slack, by adding simple to use, fully integrated, intelligent Kyber apps.
Instantly provision Kyber to your entire team without creating new accounts, consolidate multiple apps into one, save time and (a lot) of money.

Task and Project management

Track and manage daily tasks or entire projects within any Slack channel: save time, never drop a ball, get more done.

Turn a new or existing Slack message into a task, set a deadline, assign it to a teammate, add comments or attach documents and files. All without leaving Slack.

Each channel member can access the shared project list: when an item is completed, the channel is notified to share progress, reduce micromanagement and motivate your team.

An intelligent dashboard inside Slack

Leverage the intelligence of Kyber bot to effectively manage your team.

Add deadlines or reminders to task and have Kyber bot remind the right people or entire channels.

Review and balance the workload between each employee across all Slack channels from a single place. Follow up on assigned tasks and receive a status update with completion percentage.

Finally, browse each channel from Kyber bot to have a complete pulse of what important is happening on Slack.

Instant polls

Get immediate feedback and drive consensus with team polls.

Turn a question on Slack into a poll or start a brand new one; add poll options, let your team vote and review results in real time.

Ideal to make fast decisions, from strategic ones (“What discount should we offer?”) to logistical ones (“What sodas should we order?”) or to periodically check on team morale and to gather feedback on company activities.

Message scheduling

Compose your messages or team announcements when it’s convenient to you, preview them and finally pick a time to schedule them.

Too late at night to send that message? Is your team in another time zone? Schedule your messages to be delivered, as sent by you, at any later time.

Make your important message stand out on Slack by adding a title, bullet lists, advanced formatting, images, gifs or videos.
You can also setup recurring messages to build team habits and automate common activities.

Personal and Team calendars

Kyber Calendar is the first native calendar for Slack, that can be exported and viewed on Microsoft Outlook, Apple or Google Calendar apps.

Create shared team calendars per each Slack channel to track meetings, deadlines and reminders. Use the personal one to plan your day and stay on top of it.

Schedule, accept or decline meetings with interactive messages on Slack. Invite individual team members or entire channels, add meeting agenda or action items.

Personal to-do list inside Slack

What Is Slack Project Management

Kyber brings in a single place all your to-dos, reminders, polls, announcements and meetings – not only your personal ones, but also those received from teammates, and those imported from apps like Gmail, Outlook, Github, etc.

With its artificial intelligence, Kyber creates a short, actionable plan for your day to let you know what to do next: you will be able to focus on what’s important and get more done.

Through advanced Natural Language Processing, creating complex tasks becomes as easy as entering a normal message. And it works with Apple Siri and Amazon Alexa too!

Slack Project Management Software

Save time and never lose track of any issue with powerful integrations with the apps you use every day:

  • Mark an email on Google Gmail or on Microsoft Outlook and a task to respond will be added to your timelist
  • Automatically create a task with repository, issue and link when a Github issue is assigned to you and prioritize it within your daily plan
  • Create a record on Evernote of what you have accomplished every day, based on your calendar and to-do list
  • Create a to-do with Amazon Alexa and add it to Slack
  • Anything you can think of

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