Julia Cheat Sheet

  1. Julian Code Cheat Sheet
  2. Julia Vs R
  3. Julia Dataframe Cheat Sheet

This section describes Julia's markdown syntax, which is enabled by the Markdown standard library. The following Markdown elements are supported:

Here 'inline' refers to elements that can be found within blocks of text, i.e. paragraphs. These include the following elements.

  1. In the Julia, we assume you are. Credits This cheat sheet was created by Victoria Gregory, Andrij Stachurski, Natasha Watkins and other collaborators on behalf of.
  2. Here's a quote: Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. Note that a single space must appear after the character on each line. Quoted blocks may themselves contain other toplevel or inline elements.
  3. My Julia programming cheat sheet. May 13, 2020 Compiled on May 13, 2020 at 5:35pm. 1 installing 0.5 2 installing 0.3 3 installing 0.2 4 getting help on functions 5 How to show plot using Julia studio? 6 How to find the version number of Julia?
  4. Julia is an open-source, multi-platform, high-level, high-performance programming language for technical computing. Julia has an LLVM Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) is a compiler infrastructure to build intermediate and/or binary machine code.-based JIT Just-In-Time compilation occurs at run-time rather than prior to execution, which means it offers both the speed of compiled code and the.

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Surround words with two asterisks, **, to display the enclosed text in boldface.

Surround words with one asterisk, *, to display the enclosed text in italics.

Surround text that should be displayed exactly as written with single backticks, ` .

Literals should be used when writing text that refers to names of variables, functions, or other parts of a Julia program.

To include a backtick character within literal text use three backticks rather than one to enclose the text.

By extension any odd number of backticks may be used to enclose a lesser number of backticks.

Surround text that should be displayed as mathematics using $LaTeX$ syntax with double backticks, `` .


As with literals in the previous section, if literal backticks need to be written within double backticks use an even number greater than two. Note that if a single literal backtick needs to be included within $LaTeX$ markup then two enclosing backticks is sufficient.

The character should be escaped appropriately if the text is embedded in a Julia source code, for example, '``LaTeX`` syntax in a docstring.', since it is interpreted as a string literal. Alternatively, in order to avoid escaping, it is possible to use the raw string macro together with the @doc macro:

Links to either external or internal targets can be written using the following syntax, where the text enclosed in square brackets, [ ], is the name of the link and the text enclosed in parentheses, ( ), is the URL.

It's also possible to add cross-references to other documented functions/methods/variables within the Julia documentation itself. For example:

This will create a link in the generated docs to the parse documentation (which has more information about what this function actually does), and to the nothing documentation. It's good to include cross references to mutating/non-mutating versions of a function, or to highlight a difference between two similar-seeming functions.


The above cross referencing is not a Markdown feature, and relies on Documenter.jl, which is used to build base Julia's documentation.

Named and numbered footnote references can be written using the following syntax. A footnote name must be a single alphanumeric word containing no punctuation.

The text associated with a footnote can be written anywhere within the same page as the footnote reference. The syntax used to define the footnote text is discussed in the Footnotes section below.

The following elements can be written either at the 'toplevel' of a document or within another 'toplevel' element.

A paragraph is a block of plain text, possibly containing any number of inline elements defined in the Inline elements section above, with one or more blank lines above and below it.

A document can be split up into different sections using headers. Headers use the following syntax:

A header line can contain any inline syntax in the same way as a paragraph can.


Try to avoid using too many levels of header within a single document. A heavily nested document may be indicative of a need to restructure it or split it into several pages covering separate topics.

Source code can be displayed as a literal block using an indent of four spaces as shown in the following example.

Additionally, code blocks can be enclosed using triple backticks with an optional 'language' to specify how a block of code should be highlighted.

'Fenced' code blocks, as shown in the last example, should be preferred over indented code blocks since there is no way to specify what language an indented code block is written in.

Text from external sources, such as quotations from books or websites, can be quoted using > characters prepended to each line of the quote as follows.

Note that a single space must appear after the > character on each line. Quoted blocks may themselves contain other toplevel or inline elements.

The syntax for images is similar to the link syntax mentioned above. Prepending a ! character to a link will display an image from the specified URL rather than a link to it.

Julia dataframe mean

Unordered lists can be written by prepending each item in a list with either *, +, or -.

Note the two spaces before each * and the single space after each one.

Lists can contain other nested toplevel elements such as lists, code blocks, or quoteblocks. A blank line should be left between each list item when including any toplevel elements within a list.


The contents of each item in the list must line up with the first line of the item. In the above example the fenced code block must be indented by four spaces to align with the i in item two.

Ordered lists are written by replacing the 'bullet' character, either *, +, or -, with a positive integer followed by either . or ).

An ordered list may start from a number other than one, as in the second list of the above example, where it is numbered from five. As with unordered lists, ordered lists can contain nested toplevel elements.

Large $LaTeX$ equations that do not fit inline within a paragraph may be written as display equations using a fenced code block with the 'language' math as in the example below.

This syntax is paired with the inline syntax for Footnote references. Make sure to read that section as well.

Footnote text is defined using the following syntax, which is similar to footnote reference syntax, aside from the : character that is appended to the footnote label.

No checks are done during parsing to make sure that all footnote references have matching footnotes.

The equivalent of an <hr> HTML tag can be achieved using three hyphens (---). For example:

Basic tables can be written using the syntax described below. Note that markdown tables have limited features and cannot contain nested toplevel elements unlike other elements discussed above – only inline elements are allowed. Tables must always contain a header row with column names. Cells cannot span multiple rows or columns of the table.


As illustrated in the above example each column of | characters must be aligned vertically.

A : character on either end of a column's header separator (the row containing - characters) specifies whether the row is left-aligned, right-aligned, or (when : appears on both ends) center-aligned. Providing no : characters will default to right-aligning the column.

Specially formatted blocks, known as admonitions, can be used to highlight particular remarks. They can be defined using the following !!! syntax:

The first word after !!! declares the type of the admonition. There are standard admonition types that should produce special styling. Namely (in order of decreasing severity): danger, warning, info/note, and tip.

You can also use your own admonition types, as long as the type name only contains lowercase Latin characters (a-z). For example, you could have a terminology block like this:

However, unless the code rendering the Markdown special-cases that particular admonition type, it will get the default styling.

A custom title for the box can be provided as a string (in double quotes) after the admonition type. If no title text is specified after the admonition type, then the type name will be used as the title (e.g. 'Note' for the note admonition).

Admonitions, like most other toplevel elements, can contain other toplevel elements (e.g. lists, images).

Julia's markdown supports interpolation in a very similar way to basic string literals, with the difference that it will store the object itself in the Markdown tree (as opposed to converting it to a string). When the Markdown content is rendered the usual show methods will be called, and these can be overridden as usual. This design allows the Markdown to be extended with arbitrarily complex features (such as references) without cluttering the basic syntax.

In principle, the Markdown parser itself can also be arbitrarily extended by packages, or an entirely custom flavour of Markdown can be used, but this should generally be unnecessary.

  • MATLAB–Python–Julia cheatsheet

Dependencies and Setup¶

In the Python code we assume that you have already run importnumpyasnp

In the Julia, we assume you are using v1.0.2 or later with Compat v1.3.0 or later and have run usingLinearAlgebra,Statistics,Compat

Julia Cheat Sheet

Creating Vectors¶





Row vector: size (1, n)

Column vector: size (n, 1)

1d array: size (n, )

Not possible


Integers from j to n withstep size k

Linearly spaced vectorof k points

Creating Matrices¶





Create a matrix

2 x 2 matrix of zeros

2 x 2 matrix of ones

2 x 2 identity matrix

Diagonal matrix

Uniform random numbers

Normal random numbers

Sparse Matrices

Tridiagonal Matrices

Manipulating Vectors and Matrices¶






Complex conjugate transpose(Adjoint)

Concatenate horizontally



Concatenate vertically



Reshape (to 5 rows, 2 columns)

Convert matrix to vector

Flip left/right

Flip up/down

Repeat matrix (3 times in therow dimension, 4 times in thecolumn dimension)


N/A similar type

Broadcast a function over acollection/matrix/vector

Functions broadcast directly

Functions broadcast directly

Accessing Vector/Matrix Elements¶





Access one element

Access specific rows

Access specific columns

Remove a row

Diagonals of matrix

Get dimensions of matrix

Mathematical Operations¶

Julian Code Cheat Sheet





Dot product

Matrix multiplication

Inplace matrix multiplication

Not possible

Element-wise multiplication

Matrix to a power

Matrix to a power, elementwise





Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Euclidean norm

Solve linear system(Ax=b) (when (A)is square)

Solve least squares problem(Ax=b) (when (A)is rectangular)

Sum / max / min¶

Julia Vs R





Sum / max / min ofeach column

Sum / max / min of each row

Sum / max / min ofentire matrix

Cumulative sum / max / minby row

Cumulative sum / max / minby column

Julia Dataframe Cheat Sheet






Comment one line

Comment block

For loop

While loop


If / else

Print text and variable

Function: anonymous



Can use cells but watch performance

Named Tuples/Anonymous Structures


Inplace Modification Drivers pcwinsoft.

No consistent or simple syntaxto achieve this