Unity 2019.2

  1. Unity 2019.2.4f1
  2. Unity 2019.2.0f1 Download
  3. Unity 2019.2.3f1 Download
  4. Unity 2019.2.0
  5. Unity 2019.2.4

Release notes

Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers. Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian is known as many different things to different people.To some he is Mr Five Per Cent, the fabulously rich oil magnate and financier, whose nickname referred to his personal stake in Middle Eastern oil. 1 To others he is a great art collector, whose collection included works by Rembrandt, Turner and Degas and is now housed in a museum named after him in Lisbon.

Known Issues in 2019.4.25f1

  • Asset Bundles: Crash on vk::DecompressShader when loading an AssetBundle with AssetBundle.LoadFromFile() and using Vulkan Graphics API(1308947)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Prefab script field reference is lost when project is upgraded(1328724)

  • Asset Bundles: [macOS] Editor crashes when trying to build Asset bundles in InitializeOnLoad or InitializeOnLoadMethod time(1328463)

  • AI: Crash with ComputeTileMeshJob when generating Navmesh(1329346)

  • Package Manager: Package resolution error when using a Git dependency referencing an annotated tag in its Git URL(1325920)

  • Package Manager: PackageManager.Client.SearchAll(offlineMode: true) returns an error if user offline(1319585)

  • Metal: Performance in Game View is significantly impacted by Gfx.WaitForPresentOnGfxThread when a second monitor is connected(1327408)

  • Scene Management: Crash on BuildPrefabInstanceCorrespondingObjectMap when overriding nested prefab inside AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing() block(1324978)

  • WebGL: 'SharedArrayBuffer will require cross-origin isolation as of M91' warning is thrown when launching Player on Chrome(1323832)

  • Windows: 'WindowsVideoMedia error 0xc00d36b4' error is thrown when loading a video with the VideoPlayer in Windows 7(1306350)

  • Linux: Editor crashes at '_XFreeX11XCBStructure' when loading tutorials(1323204)

  • WebGL: [iOS] video is not playing(1288692)

  • Package Manager: User can't easily configure location of both UPM and Asset Store package local cache(1317232)

  • Terrain: Lit Opacity as Density option causes alpha'd areas on the 5th layer or greater to appear with artifacts(1283124)

  • Shadows/Lights: Crash on ProgressiveRuntimeManager::GetGBufferChartTexture when entering UV Charts mode before baking lights(1309632)

  • Linux: InputSystem's Mouse delta values do not change when the Cursor lockState is set to Locked(1248389)

  • Global Illumination: gi::InitializeManagers() takes 0.6s during Editor startup(1162775)

  • Global Illumination: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes(1219458)

  • Mono: Crash on System.Net.Sockets.Socket:QueueIOSelectorJob when using a VPN and opening a project that uses Visual Studio (1308797)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Editor crashes while exiting play mode(1328667)

  • Windows: The Cursor is visible when Cursor.visible is set to false and new InputSystem package is used(1273522)

  • macOS: 'Build is damaged and cannot be opened' error when downloading Unity build from internet(1323501)

  • Polybrush: [PolyBrush] Something went wrong saving brush settings Warning is thrown when Saving a Brush after opening the PolyBrush Window(1315475)

2019.4.25f1 Release Notes



  • Editor: Updated HelpBox information in Enable Code Coverage preference and added button to install the code coverage package.

  • Graphics: NvnDebugHud uses a different layout to display memory labels, allowing all labels to be displayed on screen.

  • Graphics: Switch shader compiler did not report correct error lines when compilation failed from included files. It is now fixed.

  • XR: Updated Windows MR Package to 2.7.0.


  • Graphics: Updated SRP packages to 7.6.0.

  • Package Manager: com.unity.purchasing updated with missing documentation.

  • WebGL: Changed behavior of Application.OpenURL() for the WebGL platform to open an URL in a new browser tab instead of opening the URL in the current browser tab and thus navigating away.(1320393)

Unity 2019.2.4f1


  • Samsung modems driver download for windows 10. Android: Fixed a freeze when using blend shapes with compute skinning on some devices with Mali G78 GPU.(1298373)

  • Asset Import: Fixed rare unstable asset hash for assets with large metadata.(1285620)

  • Burst: Fixed a macOS hang that could occur when a native hardware exception was thrown from Burst code while a dylib was being loaded from disk.(1307691)

  • Global Illumination: Fixed an issue that was causing a null pointer bug in graphics bindings.(1310875)

  • Global Illumination: Fixed an issue where Wintermute::Geometry::Verify errors are spammed when baking a Mesh with Mesh Compression set to Medium/High.(1319133)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue pertaining to async texture deletion to ensure graphics commands have completed first.(1280073)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue so that GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SNorm is now a blendable render-target format on Metal.(1318364)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue that would cause the import of 16 bit cubemaps with spherical or cylindrical mapping to fail.(1284767)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where first Material data was not used for Shadowmap rendering when using multiple Materials with the same Shader and different properties.(1304644)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where scissor test was automatically disabled when changing render-targets and the behaviour is now consistent with other platforms.

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue which would cause object culling to take place for shadows even if the project had shadows disabled.(1313540)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where leaderboards now return the non deprecated player ID on appropriate OS versions.(1312882)

  • macOS: Fixed an issue where assembly had engine references even though No Engine References has been selected.(1297957)

  • macOS: Fixed an issue with code signing of native plugins in Xcode projects.(1276317)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue with setting Surface Penetration to 0 on objects that were authored on one scale but used with another. This would manifest itself as incorrect particle separation behavior.(1319488)

  • Services: Fixed a bug where the crash reporting symbol uploader process would crash on Apple M1 hardware.(1312498)

  • Services: Fixed a bug where the crash reporting symbol uploader process would crash on parsing certain dSYM files.

  • Shaders: Fixed a regression that was dropping some shader errors from the inspector after restarting the editor.(1325521)

  • Shaders: Fixed Editor crashing when trying to render non-existent shader properties.(1304931)

  • Timeline: Fixed an issue that occurred when Audio track was missing samples and was started at the first frame of a Timeline in Player.(1215183)

  • Timeline: Fixed an issue when AudioClipPlayable was played and the first couple of frames were skipped.(1302398)

  • UI: Fixed an issue where a camera with a render target setup that was targeting a disabled display wouldn't render UI.(1316603)

  • UI Elements: Fixed the inability to launch the editor in clamped GLES 3.0 and 3.1 mode. Also, it is now possible to use UIToolkit on GLES 3.0 and 3.1 devices that do not support float render textures.(1311845)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed a deadlock that occurred when rapidly typing text into an InputField.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed IME composition text not displaying correctly within the focused InputField.(1298881)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed TouchScreenKeyboard incorrectly selecting text when using the left/right arrows.(1312317)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed TouchScreenKeyboard not showing specified input layout.(1281771)

  • Video: Fixed an issue where video started playing from an arbitrary frame when VideoPlayer.Pause was called before VideoPlayer.Play.(1297648)

  • XR: Fixed a depth buffer sharing support issue.(1242142)

  • Download sensible vision driver. XR: Fixed an issue where Sprite Mask was not working as expected in URP XR.(1195098)

  • XR: Fixed an issue with rect that is used by scissor test on Vulkan.(1203183)

  • XR: Fixed Windows player window resizing artifacts when XR enabled and VR device running on 2019.4 branch.(1288886)

  • XR: [Lumin] Fixed some improper temp string usage that was causing the allocator to spam the system logs(1284830)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

Unity 2019.2.0f1 Download

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher. Powernotebooks driver download.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

Unity 2019.2.3f1 Download

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

This build is now live, so the preview has been taken down. Use the official Altspace build on the Oculus Store, Steam, or Windows Store instead.

Hi everyone! You may have heard by now, AltspaceVR is updating to Unity 2019.2! This means a couple things for you world-builders:

  • We are giving you an early build of AltspaceVR on this new version of Unity. The content you have uploaded in 2018.1 should technically continue to work, but in practice we have observed some changes to baked lighting and shaders, especially on Android. We highly recommend taking a moment to verify that your custom worlds and kits continue to look the way you expect. If they do not, you may need to re-export those assets in the new Unity version.
  • You should start building your worlds and kits using Unity 2019.2.12f1 in addition to 2018.1.9f2. You will receive a warning from the Uploader about an unsupported version, but you can safely ignore that. We will be updating the Uploader once 2019.2 goes live to change the warning so it comes up for the old version instead of the new.
  • The builds we are providing you are preview builds, and thus could have problems. Some of our official spaces, kits, or avatars may not display correctly. As such, we don’t recommend using this build for general Altspacing, but only to verify your own content. If you experience any problems with this build other than art/visual problems, please report them like normal, but make it clear in the report that it is in the preview build.
  • Note for Gear/Go/Quest users: Since the preview is not coming from the Oculus Store, you will need to uninstall official Altspace and side-load the provided build. This requires an Oculus developer account and a PC. Instructions for side-loading builds can be found elsewhere online. To switch back to the live build, you will need to uninstall this build via adb, then reinstall Altspace from the store. While the preview build is installed, you will get a nag screen to update when you launch, but ignore this.

If you have a kit or template project in Unity 2018.1, follow these instructions to update and upload in Unity 2019.2:

Unity 2019.2.0

  1. Make sure you’re running Uploader v0.8.3 or later. The in-editor version number has always read “1.0.0”, so if you don’t remember updating since it came out in November, you’ll need to update it:
    1. Download the latest Uploader package from here.
    2. Open your project (in Unity 2018.1), and delete the Assets/Altspace and Assets/Plugins directories.
    3. Import the new Uploader package (Assets > Import Package > Custom Package…).
    4. Restart Unity.
  2. Close Unity if you have it running.
  3. Create a copy of your project folder. This will save you a lot of time if you plan on updating the 2018.1 assets during the preview, and also serves as a backup in case the upgrade fails.
  4. Install Unity 2019.2.12f1:
    1. Go to the Unity Download Archive, scroll down to Unity 2019.2.12, and download it either via the Hub, or directly, as it suits you.
    2. Make sure when you install it, you also install Android Build Support, or you won’t be able to build/upload Android bundles.
  5. Open your project in Unity 2019.2.12f1. It will warn you that it has to upgrade the project, but click “Confirm”.
  6. Wait while Unity upgrades all your assets and meta files.
  7. If you get any “blank errors” in the console after you import your project, you may be hitting a Unity bug. To fix this, close Unity, open the file C:Program FilesUnityHubEditor2019.2.12f1EditorDataToolsRoslynScriptsunity_csc.bat in a text editor, change “csc” to “csc.exe” in line 3, and save. Reopen Unity, and the error should be gone.
  8. Build your asset bundles like normal for kits or templates.

Unity 2019.2.4

Congratulations, you’ve updated your project to Unity 2019.2!

My assets uploaded correctly but I do not see them in my world

This can happen if your world data has cached your old assets. You can force-clear this by performing a space reset (via Ctrl+Shift+R in the client) or by editing any of the world’s data (such as its name or description) from the website, and then leaving/re-entering the world.