Dev Mozilla

  1. Dev Mozilla
  2. Dev Mozilla Table

Gather in this interactive, online, multi-dimensional social space. Firefox Developer Edition. Get the Firefox browser built just for developers. Check out the home for web developer resources. Firefox Reality. Explore the web with the Firefox browser for virtual reality.

< Firefox

Peter Bengtsson 6 posts. Peter is a senior web developer at Mozilla currently working on Elmo, Socorro and various internal projects. His main weapon of choice is Django and PostgreSQL but dabbles in other frameworks and databases when time allows. He writes more opinionated nerdery on The developer relations team communicates to developers in different contexts and on different topics, serving a number of parts of the Mozilla project. Here are some of the things the team can help you with: You work on Firefox products or the Web platform and want help evangelizing your feature or technology. React Developer Tools is a tool that allows you to inspect a React tree, including the component hierarchy, props, state, and more. To get started, just open the Firefox devtools and switch to the '⚛️ Components' or '⚛️ Profiler' tab.


firefox-dev is a mailing list with one explicit goal:

  • Offer an easy, transparent venue for getting constructive, Firefox-related development work done and providing development status updates.
Mozilla firefox for windows 10

and some explicit non-goals:

  • It does not offer community members the chance to post until they get satisfaction about their concerns.
  • It is not a suitable forum for requesting or offering technical support for users of Firefox
  • It is not a suitable forum for unsolicited Firefox feature requests or suggestions

Topics related to add-on development in Firefox are best asked on the dev-addons list.


You can subscribe from the mailman info page.

Moderation Policy

firefox-dev is a moderated list:

  • Participants must abide by Mozilla's Community Participation Guidelines
  • Anyone can subscribe and read the messages
  • Anyone can post. By default, posts will be reviewed by a moderator before being sent to the list
  • A smaller number of contributors will be added to a whitelist, and their postings will go directly to the list without having to first be reviewed by a moderator
  • Posts which are ranting, venting, and being unnecessarily argumentative may not go to the list

Messages need to abide by two simple rules to be approved by the moderators:

  • Be nice (in other words, no personal attacks, ranting, etc.)
  • Be constructive (in other words, no whining, repetition, venting, etc.)

Whitelist membership is subject to temporary or permanent suspension. Abuse or conduct complaints should be sent to <> or <>.

This policy is expected to evolve at the discretion of the list-owner (<>).


There are read-only archives available:

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Welcome to the WikiMo home of Developer Relations (née Technical Evangelism)!

  • 7Meeting Notes
  • 8Showcase

Current and Ongoing Initiatives

Aside from regular speaking appearances and writing about the Mozilla products/projects and the Web, the Developer Relations team has temporary and ongoing programs. Here are some of our 2016 initiatives:

  • Worldwide event presence
  • Code schools, academic programs


Our mission is to get people excited about the Web and also showcase all the fantastic technologies Mozilla builds. We’re a mixture of engineers and connectors and here’s who we are:

  • Jason Weathersby - Team manager, has been evangelizing Firefox OS, Dev Tools, and Apps in the last two years and he’s based in South Carolina
  • Dan Callahan - based in Minneapolis, currently focused on WebExtensions and Rust/Servo.
  • Dietrich Ayala - based in Portland, currently focused on Tech Speakers, academic programs, code schools, IoT
  • Havi Hoffman - based in Mountain View, Mozilla Hacks Blog managing editor, driving Mozilla Tech Speakers program for volunteer technical speakers (with Dietrich), writes & ships the Firefox Apps & Hacks (developer) newsletter
  • Jen Simmons - based in New York City, currently focused on Firefox and Web Standards, especially CSS implementations of new specifications, and the coming revolution in web page layout.
  • Matt Claypotch - based in Mountain View, currently focused on Firefox, games, and DevTools
  • Soledad Penadés - based in London, UK, currently focused on Platform and DevTools
  • Belén Albeza - based in Barcelona (Spain), currently focused on HTML 5 game development, Web APIs and CSS

We also have a guide to resources for team members.

Where to Find Us

Find us on IRC in #DevRel.

Mozilla staff can see the full archives of our internal mailing list on Google Groups

If you would like a Mozillian to speak at your event, please fill out this form.

What We Do

  • We ‘embed’ our tech evangelists in different Mozilla teams every two quarters. We work closely with their engineers so we know what’s up as it happens, and they are able to get faster and better feedback from users and developers. We work so closely that sometimes we are even fixing bugs too, because we’re engineers after all!
  • We’re also closely working with the MDN team in projects such as Content Kits and the MDN Fellowships, and of course making sure that the technologies we talk about are brilliantly documented.
  • We run the Tech Speakers program -- our initiative to Grow Mozilla, with the collaboration of the Participation, Education and Reps teams. In this program, we help grow a community of strongly technical speakers that care about our principles and our mission, by supporting and empowering them.
  • We are also in charge of editing the Hacks Blog and the Apps and Hacks newsletter.
  • And of course we attend conferences and meet-ups, give talks and listen to other developers and communicate feedback back to the teams at Mozilla.

Read what we did in our first six months!

What We Can Do For You

The developer relations team communicates to developers in different contexts and on different topics, serving a number of parts of the Mozilla project.


Here are some of the things the team can help you with:

Mozilla developer
  • You work on Firefox products or the Web platform and want help evangelizing your feature or technology
  • You want to write a post for the Hacks blog
  • You need a Mozilla speaker or you want Mozilla to sponsor a Web technology- or developer-focused event: see this and possibly fill in the request form (you will need to be logged into Bugzilla).
  • You’re interested in speaking about Mozilla/Web technologies at an event
  • You’re speaking about Mozilla/Web technologies at an event, and want support with...
    • Materials review
    • Speaker coaching
    • Technical consultation

If you are staff, we can help with funding for your developer events, and things like fees. See the Staff DevRel page for more information.

Meeting Details

Dev Mozilla

  • Mondays @ 9:00 AM Pacific in Jason Weathersby's Vidyo Room (link coming soon)
  • #devrel for backchannel
  • Etherpad for realtime notes
  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 99120
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 99120
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 99120
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 99120
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 99120
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 99120
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 99120
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 99120
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 99120
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 99120
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number

Meeting Notes






Belén Albeza

Title Event Video link
You might not need a CSS framework WordCamp, London (Apr 2016)
HTML5 game development Web Progressions, London (May 2016)

Salva de la Puente

Title Event Video link
From Web App to PWA in 30 minutes ExFest 2016 (2016 06 05)
Offline First BBVA PWA Dev Summit (2016 06 21)

Dev Mozilla Table

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